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Stir the Pot – Call for Entries (now closed)

Stir the Pot - Overlapse Books

STIR THE POT: An Overlapse collaborative zine

Overlapse is publishing its first ever community-generated, collaborative publication in late 2023! Anyone may submit to have their work featured and all content will be selected through a FREE open call. We want to see your images responding to the theme: STIR THE POT

STIR THE POT aims to explore our needs for internal and external nourishment in a challenging and hostile modern society; How do we balance taking action both inwardly, and outwardly? How do we interpret our complex world when our future circumstances seem so uncertain? We want to illuminate the impact of navigating these modes of concerned responsibility and daily life through a kaleidoscope of perceptions surrounding community environments, our planet and ourselves.

Whether expressed out of joy, frustration, anxiety, confusion, or otherwise – your personal vision and voice are an integral part of this story! We actively encourage an expanse of views and interpretations related to the STIR THE POT theme.

For example, your subject may be cooking, family, and needs surrounding food – or protest, agitation, social action and collective responsibility. What has given you comfort or helped you survive through difficult times? And how has that brought you closer to those around you? We want to know what nourishes YOU, and your environment wherever that may be, and whatever the challenges are that our world confronts you with.

This publication will result in a collaborative assembly of what you choose to share!
All contributors with work selected for publication will receive two copies of the finished work.

Professionals, students, published artists, unpublished artists, photobook enthusiasts, or anyone who loves collaborative print media – we want to see your work!
NOTE: Images may be from any time period, however artists should only submit original artwork which they have the right to reproduce. Artists retain copyright to their images. Selected images will be reproduced by Overlapse in the ‘Stir the pot’ print publication and displayed in promotional materials online and in print

Send up to 10 images total – Whether Single Images and/or a Short Series
All genres and approaches to photography will be considered, as well as mixed media submissions such as those using collage, drawings, text, recipes etc, that are in dialogue with images. Experimentation is absolutely encouraged!

Familiarity with Overlapse and our previous publications is also encouraged. We primarily publish books focused on storytelling. Our subjects and stories address social, cultural, and environmental issues, with themes connected to human experience.

Our selection team is:
Editors: Tiffany Jones (Publisher, Overlapse Books), Lisa McCarty (Photographer, Curator, Educator), Kyle Worthy (Photographer, Editor, Independent Book Maker)
Editorial Assistants: Harry Carter & Sofia Krysiak

Any questions? Please email with STIR THE POT in the subject line

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